Ignore:to pay no attention
eg)My friend some time ignore to me

equal:the same for each member of a group.
eg)I took an equal class every year.

cops: police officers
eg)Most cops protect us

Stereotype: standatdized, oversimplified mental picture of a person or group
e.g.) all people have a stereotype their own think

Master: to become skilled or proficient in the use of
e.g.) pets follow the master.

Culture: ideas, customs, skills, arts of a given people in a given period.
e.g.) all of country has a different culture

Proof: evidence sufficient to establish a thing as true
e.g.) crime place have a lot of proof

Offense: the act of breaking a law; crime
e.g.) my brother was offense about law

Excessive: being too much or too great
e.g.) my friend's action is excessive.

Insistence: making a firm demand
e.g.) my mother insistence more strong than my father

Customary: habitual, usual
e.g.) my customary is when I go to bed I always listen to music

Apologize: to acknowledge and express regret for a fault or state
e.g.) I have to apologize to my friend.

Homesick: unhappy or depressed at being away from home and family; longing for home
e.g.) when I moved to America, I have a homesick.

Sin: transgression of the law of God an offense against religious or moral law
e.g.) every people did sin like a lie and make someone hurt

Impose: to establish or apply by authority
e.g.) my boyfriend makes me impose about his a notion

Participate: to take or have a part or share, as with others; partake; share (usually fol. by in): to participate in profits; to participate in a play.
e.g.) I need participation for my class

Graduation: finished school
e.g.) I graduated high school already

Wonder: to think or speculate curiously: to wonder about the origin of the solar system.
e.g.) I wonder because my friend has a baby

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